The SIMS.(Simple Indian made Stabilizer)

Posted on by mvettath

Once the beating heart surgery started getting popular, we started propagating the technique. We then noticed that the stabilizers are the only ones that needs to be discarded. But that too could be sterilized and reused, using ethylene oxide. In spite of  the sterilization technique, we still had to discard these plastic stabilizers after using […]

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Vettaths Anastomotic Obturator (VAO)

Posted on by mvettath

  Coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) has come full circle-it started as an off-pump affair, then became an on pump one and now we are trying to keep off the pump again. One of the main reasons for this has been the neurological sequelae subsequent to CABG. But neurological problems kept causing concern even in […]

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Vettaths Technique of Long Mammary Patch Anastomosis

Posted on by mvettath

Most patients with diffuse coronary disease require endarterectomy for revascularization. In view of the high morbidity and mortality associated with coronary endarterectomy, patch angioplasty and reconstruction of the coronary artery was developed. The procedure consisted of laying open the entire diseased segment of the coronary artery and patching it with an in-situ left internal mammary […]

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Vettath’s –JP Cardioplegia Device

Posted on by mvettath

Developed the Vettaths-JP cardioplegia device for delivery of warm blood cardioplegia.. […]

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Vettaths’s Blower and Blower Mister.

Posted on by mvettath

We have also fabricated a blower/mister utilizing disposable items available in the operating theatre. A coronary osteal perfusion cannula is again the mainstay of the device. An IV cannula is connected to its distal end. To the proximal end, a normal IV set is connected. The other end of the IV set is connected to […]

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Vettath’s modification of Aorto-Coronary Shunt

Posted on by mvettath

Developed and fabricated his own indigenous aortocoronary  shunt in 1999 at Dhaka Bangladesh, which is used to perform beating heart surgery in patients with tight left main disease. This was presented at the fourth annual scientific meeting of international society for minimally invasive cardiac surgery held in June 27-30 2001 in Munich Germany. […]

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Some of his Inventions, Innovations, modifications and developments are as follows;

Has invented -The SIMS. (Simple Indian made stabilizer)… which has been sent for patenting-(June 2015)-Performed more than 1500 OPCABs with that so far.

-This has been patented on 26th Dec 2022

He had invented the “Vettath’s Anastomotic Obturator” (VAO) which is used for performing the proximal anastomosis of the vein graft to the aorta without using the side clamp . Performed more 600 top end using this device.

– This has been Patented on 2nd April 2008

Vettath’s Technique of Performing Top End Anastomosis of vein Graft using VAO.

Vettaths’s Blower and Blower Mister.

Vettath’s modification of Aorto-Coronary Shunt

Vettath’s –JP Cardioplegia Device

Vettath’s Technique of Long Mammary Patch Anastomosis.

Vettath’s modification of the use of IABP in OPCAB.

Has developed the “First Indian Re-engineered Stabilizer for Beating Heart Surgery”.

Has developed totally indigenous instruments to perform the first MICS-TAR in India on 13th Nov 2017

Developed the following instrumentation for MICS (minimally invasive cardiac surgery)

MICS- IMA retractor.

MICS –chest spreader.

MICS –Stabilizer -SIMS.

MICS long instruments – forceps, liga clip applicator and scissors.

Developed the Vettaths Cannulating forceps, for holding the Pacifico cannula for SVC cannulation.

Developed the Vettaths modification of the Laryngoscope to perform SV harvesting under vision with small incisions.

Developed the Vettaths, cold cautery technique to perform the skeletonized dissection of IMA.